Values in the area of corporate culture (on the example of linguistic analysis of the document — Code of business conduct)




instytutional discourse, organizational culture, metalinguistic function of language, values


The paper presents the results of research into the metalinguistic function of language, which finds its expression in the philosophy of corporarions. The aim of the article is to show the linguistic ways of expressing values in the culture of the organization. Corporate/organizational values are embedded in the culture of contemporary organizations and find their linguistic expression in various documents. One of such document – the Code of Business Conduct of CRH Corporation -was used as the material for the study. Examples on which to draw conclusions have been exerpted from this document. This Corporation, like any other company of this scale, develops its own organizational culture based on values that every employee should know and adhere to. The article will examine the main tools used to communicate the basic values, the values themselves and their reflection in the language. The value system of the organization and the corporate discourse includes goals, standards, principles of functioning of the company, integrates employees, influences their cooperation with clients and relations within the company.


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How to Cite

Rolak, I. (2024). Values in the area of corporate culture (on the example of linguistic analysis of the document — Code of business conduct). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 58(2), 273–284.