Rational communication as a value of the public sphere
public debate, discussion, Jűrgen Habermas, communication, rationality, public sphereAbstract
The article concerns the issue of communication in the public sphere. The material consists of radio and television discussions from 2004 to 2024, in which the interlocutors reveal differences in views regarding power, resources and sanctions. The aim of the paper is to indicate what elements of cognitive and interactive communication competences of journalists and their interlocutors are particularly responsible for the rationality of the discussion. The research procedure includes explaining concepts such as the public sphere, public debate and defining the conditions of rationality in public communication, taking into account the views of J. Habermas. The article adopts a subjective, relational concept of values that are recognized through reflection. It was assumed that rationality of action is an important element of the communicative competence of debate participants and is manifested, among others, by: in compliance with initial assumptions, adequate recognition of the situation, and the ability to reflect on discussion procedures.
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