”[...] our society has lost one of its most respectable members”. Cognitive aspects of a memorial profiles (based on texts from ”Wędrowiec” weekly)
memoir profile, genre analysis, ”Wędrowiec”, 19th century pressAbstract
The author analyses the selected issues observed in memoir profile at the cognitive level of the genre. This level includes the subject matter and the way it is presented, that is, the adopted point of view, perspective and axiological order. The analyses include those contents that refer to the social conditions of life (and death) of the depicted persons. Memoir profiles were excerpted from more than 30 annuals of ”Wędrowiec” from 1863–1899. Other titles of the Warsaw press were cited for comparative purposes. The analyses proved that the way to emphasize the social dimension of death was to draw attention to the number of funeral attendees (quantitative aspect), and to mark the loss that society suffered with the death of a person (qualitative aspect). The analysed texts showed differences in the characterization of deceased men and women. What was common, however, was the great scope of axiological lexis (mainly evaluative and valorising vocabulary) in the texts.
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