The Image of the Clergy in Aleksander Świętochowski’s Feuilletons


  • Magdalena Pietrzak Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Filologiczny, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Katedra Historii Języka Polskiego



linguistic image of the world


The aim of the article is to reconstruct the linguistic image of the Polish clergy on the basis of Aleksander Świętochowski’s feuilletons. This image is determined by the point of view of the speaker. In my analysis I have distinguished the following points of view: 1) the POV of a non-believer, 2) the POV of a positivist and an involved citizen, 3) the POV of a positivist and scientist. These perspectives are complementary and mutually determining. As a non-believer, the feuilletonist distances himself from the clergy. He views Church authorities through the prism of their decisions and his judgment is always negative. The feuilletonist also focuses on the behaviour of the clergy. He notices and denounces their immoral attitudes. A similar, negative image of the clergy is presented from the point of view of a positivist and an involved citizen. The representatives of the Church are depicted as intellectually backward religious fanatics. The priests who are open to science or are scientists themselves are perceived and judged in a positive light by the feuilletonist, who expresses his respect and admiration towards them. The same concerns the representatives of the clergy who actively contribute to the wellbeing of society. As regards language, the feuilletonist uses contrast and axiologically charged vocabulary, including religious and biblical expressions, which is both effective and persuasive. Furthermore, the suggestiveness of the images under discussion is enhanced by means irony and expressions with negative connotations.


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How to Cite

Pietrzak, M. (2017). The Image of the Clergy in Aleksander Świętochowski’s Feuilletons. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 51(2), 71–81.


