„Bitwa o każdy grób”. Semantyczno-składniowa oraz funkcjonalna analiza tytułów w Przewodniku po powstańczej Warszawie
The aim of this article is the presentation of the titles functions such as informative, compositional and ideational in the guidebook of the Warsaw Uprising 1944. The authors of the book tell about the places, but they present also participants and witnesses of the Warsaw Uprising. The semantic and syntactic analyses of the nominalizations, which served as the titles in this book are presented. The purpose of this section is to demonstrate relations between the syntactical shape of particular title and the content of the given text. The article shows the connection between shape of semantic structure and the informative power of the particular text. The article brings also formal classification of the analyzed titles. Some of them consist of nominalizations (18%), some perform as the sentences (5%), as phrases with participles (9%), as phrases with infinitives (1%). In the conclusions I claim, that the formal choices in the titles are suitable for modern reader, which is capable of perceiving the news from the new media, such as Internet.
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