Review Process
The scientific value of the article is assessed by two independent reviewers by completing the review form.
The reviewers are specialists with recognized achievements in the discipline closest to the issues of the reviewed work. They are appointed from Polish and foreign universities. In the case of texts written in a foreign language, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign institution other than the nationality of the author of the work.
Each article submitted to the Folia Linguistica Rossica journal is accompanied by an author’s declaration.
The names of the reviewers are not disclosed to the authors, neither in the case of acceptance of the text for publication, nor in the absence of a recommendation.
The reviewers do not know the identity of the authors of the reviewed papers or the identity of other reviewers (double-blinde review process).
The editors make sure that there are no direct personal relations between the reviewer and the author (kinship, legal ties, conflict), professional subordination relationships, and direct scientific cooperation in the last two years preceding the preparation of the review.
Only articles with two positive reviews will be published. The review must be in writing and end with an unambiguous conclusion as to whether the article can be published or rejected. In the case of a negative or ambiguous publishing opinion, the text is sent for another evaluation.
If corrections are necessary, the Editorial Board provides the Author with the opinions of the reviewers, but does not disclose their names.
The author should send the Editors a corrected version of the article, taking into account the guidelines of the reviewer.
The article must meet the requirements for its content as well as linguistic and editorial side.
The article must contain an abstract in English with the title (also in English).