Translation as a way of interpreting the meaning of a function word


  • Александр Цой Лодзинский университет (Лодзь, Польша)



academic explanatory dictionary, function words, translation


It is necessary to divide the lemma in the academic explanatory dictionary into two parts in order to improve its quality. The Russian function word (source language) is introduced in the left with all lexicographic items. The right side (target language) of the dictionary entry contains necessary interpretation, litters, examples in the fixed accordance with the source language entry At the same time, the source Russian version will always be fixed, and the target language input can be filled in English, German, Spanish, French, Turkish or Polish translations respectively.


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How to Cite

Цой, А. (2018). Translation as a way of interpreting the meaning of a function word. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (15), 137–144.