The style of narration in the novel «The Life of Monsieur de Moliere» by Mikhail Bulgakov (the perspective of literary studies)


  • Татьяна Степновска Лодзинский университет, кафедра русской литературы и культуры Института русистики (Польша)



Mikhail Bulgakov, Moliere, narration, novel


The article presents the most significant issues which are connected with the narration in the Bulgakov’s novel. The first-person narrative is construed by means of the vivid and flowery language. The author’s critical comments on the age of Louis XIV and human relationships that prevailed in the then theatres, proved to be universal and timeless. To a large extent the comments reveal the author’s own opinions on the life of theatre in the times of Stalin’s terror.


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How to Cite

Степновска, Т. (2015). The style of narration in the novel «The Life of Monsieur de Moliere» by Mikhail Bulgakov (the perspective of literary studies). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (11), 109–122.