Scientific Terminology in Technical Texts: Linguodidactic Aspect


  • Tolganai Sagynovna Kurmanbaeva Алматинский университет энергетики и связи им. Г. Даукеева, Кафедра языковых знаний, 050013, Казахстан, г. Алматы, ул. Байтурсынулы, 126
  • Damina Disingaleevna Shaibakova Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая, Кафедра русского языка и литературы, 050010, Алматы, пр. Достык, 13



scientific text, terminology, terminological field, competence


In modern didactics, there is a theory of competent approach to teaching and teaching educa­tional disciplines. The purpose of this article is to consider the formation of linguistic and profes­sional competence among students when teaching terminological vocabulary of a non-native lan­guage on the material of technical specialty texts.

The communicative method regarded as the main method does not solve the problems of teach­ing the scientific style of a non-native language. Therefore, several approaches should be combined in teaching the professional Russian language: structural, aimed at assimilating the norms of the language, linguadidactic, representing methodological techniques, communicative, involving an understanding of the context, situation, competent, related to the connection of professional and linguistic knowledge, etc. Such multidimensional work with terminology contributes to the coverage of a large number of issues aimed at a detailed understanding of the scientific text and the role of terms. The formal organization of the scientific text is considered as a surface level that exposes the deep semantic level.

To implement the tasks of didactic, linguistic, pragmatic, text and tasks are presented in which general scientific and technical terms are used. Logical diagrams are proposed to be complied in or­der to test the ability to understand professionally-oriented text, vocabulary, and grammatical forms, retell texts by specialty and talk about professional topics. Work with the text is based on the native language and takes into account the terminology field, which is the text.


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How to Cite

Sagynovna Kurmanbaeva, T., & Disingaleevna Shaibakova, D. (2022). Scientific Terminology in Technical Texts: Linguodidactic Aspect. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (21), 141–153.