Spatiality as a Semantic and Grammatical Feature of the Russian Language in Comparison with Bulgarian




Russian, Bulgarian, spatiality, semantic-grammatical dominant, grammatical conceptualization


The article deals with the linguistic conceptualization of space in the Russian language. The relevance of the article is due to the importance of studying the specific features of the Russian language.

The aim of the article is to trace the degree of expressiveness of locality in comparison with the Bulgarian language. The material used comes from the National Corpus of the Russian language, the Bulgarian National Corpus, translated texts, and dictionaries. Spatiality in the Russian lan­guage is considered a semantic-grammatical dominant, revealed at different linguistic levels.

The study uses systemic, comparative, and functional methods. The effectiveness and rele­vance of the named methods is connected with the possibility to present the specific features of the Russian language in the expression of spatiality in a comprehensive approach, to show this category as a semantic-grammatical dominant of the Russian language, which is manifested both in the lan­guage system at different levels, and in speech. Its more explicit manifestation in comparison with the Bulgarian language is traced in the comparative analysis at the levels of phraseology, grammar, and text.

It is demonstrated that the Russian language in the totality of its expressive means draws atten­tion to the spatial picture of the world with maximum explication and detailing of real object-spatial relations contained in the situation. The differences in the linguistic interpretation of space, revealed in the Russian and Bulgarian material, are due to both extra-linguistic and linguistic factors – the peculiarities of the system properties of the languages, their lexico-grammatical resources, and ty­pological characteristics.

The significance of the study for the theory and practice of teaching Russian as a foreign lan­guage is noted.


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How to Cite

Karpenko, L. (2022). Spatiality as a Semantic and Grammatical Feature of the Russian Language in Comparison with Bulgarian. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (21), 69–79.