Editorial Instructions

The editorial office reserves the right to select the submitted materials and to make appropriate editorial corrections. The editors also pre-qualify the text for publication. The basis of this qualification is the scientific significance of the work and its topicality, substantive value, originality of the topic, use of research instruments appropriate for the topic, language level, compliance with the thematic profile of the journal and formal compliance of the text with the publication rules established by the Editorial Board.

All works sent to the Editorial Board are subject to an anonymous reviewing procedure. The editorial office provides a fair and substantive review of scientific articles.

The Editorial Board undertakes to document all manifestations of scientific misconduct and violations of the principles of ethics in force in science. In the interest of maintaining the highest editorial standards and the scientific level of the journal, adherence to ethical principles and scientific integrity, and thus complying with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Editorial Board makes every effort to counteract the phenomena of ghostwriting and guest authorship.

We deal with ghostwriting when someone has made a significant contribution to the publication without disclosing his participation as one of the authors or without mentioning his role in the acknowledgments contained in the publication.

We deal with guest authorship (honorary authorship) when the author's participation is negligible or did not take place at all, and yet he is the author / co-author of the publication.

For this reason, Authors are required to present their independent research solutions in their articles, and in the case of entities contributing to the creation of publications other than themselves, they are required to honestly inform the editors about it.

The editorial office also asks for information on possible sources of financing the publication (e.g. a grant, project, etc.), contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure). The relevant information should be included in the footnote.

If the Editorial Board reveals that the author of the publication has committed any unethical behavior, the Editorial Board will ask him for appropriate explanations. The consequence of dishonesty in science is notifying the authorities of the author's research unit, rejection of the submitted article, as well as refusal to publish any texts by this person in the journal.

Editorial requirements: PDF