Demographic changes in urban and rural communes of the Opoczno district in 1995–2018




Opoczno district, demographic changes, Webb typology, old age


The main objective of the article was to identify demographic changes in urban and rural communes of the Opoczno district in 1995–2018. The article traces changes in the population, including natural increase and migration balance using the Webb typology, discusses changes in the population structure by age and gender, as well as the issue of demographic ageing. The Opoczno district mainly undergoes negative demographic processes. There has been a continuous decrease of the population due to both natural and migration loss. There are visible changes in the age structure of the population that indicate the ageing of society. The demographic situation varies across villages and cities as well as individual communes of the Opoczno district. The depopulation in rural and peripheral areas as well as the development of the Opoczno suburban area have become significant.


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How to Cite

Jasion, A. (2018). Demographic changes in urban and rural communes of the Opoczno district in 1995–2018. Konwersatorium Wiedzy O Mieście, 31(3), 63–72.




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