The attractiveness of the city centre and the district centres of Cracow in inhabitants’ opinion




city centre, district centre, administrative district, Cracow


The article presents results of the empirical study on the evaluation of the attractiveness of the city centre and administrative district centres on the basis of inhabitants’ opinions. Those results have confirmed broadly known concepts for hierarchical supplying goods – the classical theory of central places. As shown by the analysis, the residents of Cracow more likely used to visit centres of residential areas than the main city centre. It is due to lesser distance from the place of residence, as well as the different offer of both types of centres as regard to the population needs. Relationship between frequent visits the centres of administrative areas and the city one is typical for more mobile group of respondents. The inhabitants of Cracow evaluate the basic city centre generally more attractive than the district ones. By far the lowest score related to the category “culture and entertainment” in the administrative district centres. Only in terms of the sense of security the city centre received lower scores than the centres of districts.


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How to Cite

Płaziak, M. (2019). The attractiveness of the city centre and the district centres of Cracow in inhabitants’ opinion . Konwersatorium Wiedzy O Mieście, 32(4), 79–86.


