The historical downtown district of Olomouc as a tourist reception area in functional and spatial terms




Olomouc, downtown district, tourism, historic city, functional-spatial model


Olomouc is one of the oldest cities in Czechia and is the historical capital of Moravia. The historic city center is legally protected as an “urban conservation zone”, one of the largest in the country in terms of area and number of historic buildings. Its contemporary image is the result of over a thousand years of change, the most important of which were the construction and formation of a medieval center of princely power and center of religious life, as well as the construction of a fortress during Austrian rule. The main goal of the article is to present the downtown district of Olomouc as an area of tourist concentration, with its development and formation in time and space. Field research conducted by the author in 2019–2022 has allowed the construction of a functional and spatial model from the perspective of the tourism function.


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How to Cite

Faracik, R. (2023). The historical downtown district of Olomouc as a tourist reception area in functional and spatial terms. Konwersatorium Wiedzy O Mieście, 36(8), 61–70.


