The main problems of Polish-Italian economic cooperation in the years 1959–1970
Polish-Italian economic relations 1959–1970, Fiat in Poland, Polish-Italian trade exchange 1959-1970, Small Automobile FactoryAbstract
A new opening in Polish-Italian economic relations took place at the turn of the fifties and sixties. As a result of this opening, there are contracts signed in 1958 and 1960 and a gradual increase in trade turnover. The next stages of this cooperation were: the agreement of 14 July 1965 (on economic, industrial and technical cooperation) and 18 February 1970 (on trade and economic relations). Trade turnover with Italy in 1969 represented nearly 3% of total turnover of Polish foreign trade with developed capitalist countries. In 1966, Italy took the fourth place (after Great Britain, Germany and the USA) in Polish exports to capitalist developed countries and second place in imports from this group of states. Poland exported mainly to agri-food and raw materials (coal, sulfur) and imported machinery and equipment as well as metallurgical and chemical blanks. In the 1960s, the Polish authorities decided to invest heavily in Italy. In 1965, the Polish authorities signed an agreement with Fiat for the production of a mid-range car (Fiat 125p) in Poland, which resulted in a large loan. Cooperation with the Turin concern was the most recognizable element of Polish-Italian industrial cooperation during this period.
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