The report on the 10th Polish National Scientific Conference in the series “Private Life of Poles in the 19th Century. Laughter, humor, satire”, Olsztyn, November 29–30, 2022
scientific conference, private life of Poles, 19th century, scientific reportAbstract
On November 29–30, 2022, in the building of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, the 10th Scientific Session entitled “Private Life of Poles in the 19th Century. Laughter, Humor, Satire” took place. That time, the organizers of the jubilee conference – the Institute of History of the UWM, the Institute of History of the University of Lodz and the Polish Historical Society Branch in Olsztyn – encouraged in looking at the private spaces of Poles’ lives through the prism of laughter, humor and satire. The scientific session brought together researchers from 17 different institutions, including academic departments and museums, who presented 29 papers related to the theme of the conference.
- 2024-04-11 (2)
- 2022-12-30 (1)
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