Determinants of differentiation of the Late Vistulian involutions in the north-western part of the Łódź Region


  • Joanna Petera-Zganiacz Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Katedra Geomorfologii i Paleogeografii



flat-bottomed structures, drop-like structures, diapiric structures, flame-like structures, local factors, origin of involutions, Koźmin site


Involutions which were observed in Quaternary deposits were usually interpreted as periglacial and their development have been explained as result of formation of reversed density gradient systems, cryostatic pressure or cryohydrostatic pressure. However, it is obvious that periglacial environment is not required to involution formation. In the article deformational structures developed in the bottom of the organic-mineral series were analysed. The organic-mineral series was dated at the end of Alleröd and the Younger Dryas. It was possible to distinguish a few types of involutions on the base of different morphological features deformations which formed as a result of deformation impulse acting downwards, upward deformations and structures fold-like and irregular. The differences in pattern of structures are consequence of "extra-local" agents as: uneven boundary surface, lithological heterogeneity of sedimentary series involved in deformations, different thickness of the top series involved into deformations, and different ratio of kinematic viscosities of series involved in deformations. 


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How to Cite

Petera-Zganiacz, J. (2017). Determinants of differentiation of the Late Vistulian involutions in the north-western part of the Łódź Region. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica, (15), [45]-54.


