Inhabitants of the Łódź region accessibility to shopping malls
accessibility, shopping mall, Łódź region, Huff’s model, enhanced two-step floating catchment areaAbstract
The article is focused on examining the availability of inhabitants of the Łódź region to the shopping malls. Field of basic research is the municipality. The analysis included all the municipalities of the Łódź region and the municipalities located beyond, if the customer access to a shop in the Łódź region takes no more than 60 minutes. The same principle was adopted in relation to the shops. The study included all the objects in the Łódź region, and these shops arranged in neighboring regions, to which the inhabitants of the Łódź region are traveling less than an hour. This is to make real results. The data source for the population was the Local Data Bank Central Statistical Office while the database of stores was extracted from the OpenStreetMap resources. The author used the two testing methods to achieve this objective of the survey – Huff’s model and enhanced two-step floating catchment area method.
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