Service function of historic buildings in small towns of the Lodz region
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
small towns, monuments, servicesAbstrakt
Small towns with urbanistic historical simple layout and preserved medieval spatial arrangements represent an integral part of town network of the Lodz voivodeship (just under 16% of all towns and 33% of all small towns of up to 10 thousand inhabitants). In these towns there are numerous historic buildings which form cultural value not only on a local but also regional scale. There are different forms of protection of cultural heritage they shape. One form of direct protection of their value includes planning provisions which define functions of these buildings. It should be defined as part of spatial policy which forms of use of buildings are best for preserving and increasing the quality of monuments. In the course of research the following areas have been investigated: age, state of preservation, protection type, ownership relations and, above all, forms of use in relation to historic buildings. This research is aimed at identifying optimal, from the point of view of preservation of these buildings, planning provisions shaping the areas of their location. The research has established that services contribute the most to preservation of historic buildings. The effect is a more detailed analysis of types of services and the impact they have on the state of monument preservation.
Act of July 23, 2003 on the protection of monuments and the guardianship of monuments (Journal of Laws No. 162, Item 1568) as amended.
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