Export opportunities for Polish enterprises on the selected markets of Sub-Saharan Africa





export, Poland, Sub-Saharan Africa, economic growth, export strategy, marketing strategy


The article outlines foreign expansion possibilities for Polish enterprises through exports to the markets of Sub-Saharan African countries. The analysis of chosen economic and social factors on these markets proved that despite the large differentiation and the political, social and economic instability, Sub-Saharan countries are the region of a high economic growth rate. According to experts these are promising markets, which will not only become one of the most attractive within the next decade, but also will drive the world economic growth soon. However, the analysis conducted in the article confirmed that Polish exporters do not make use of an export potential of Sub-Saharan countries. The authors of the text indicate the main reasons of such a state of affairs and formulate recommendations for Polish exporters who are considering export to African countries. Particular attention has been paid to such aspects as a proper marketing strategy preparation, successful export process planning and understanding the cultural differences impact on business. Additionally, the article contains a brief characteristic of the highest risk factors and the key factors that determine success of export expansion to the markets of Sub-Saharan Africa.


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How to Cite

Grottel, M., & Sperska, A. (2020). Export opportunities for Polish enterprises on the selected markets of Sub-Saharan Africa. Ekonomia Międzynarodowa (International Economics), (32), 267–293. https://doi.org/10.18778/2082-4440.32.02


