An alternative model of financing in agriculture on the example of foreign models
farm, innovation activity, value chain financing, European funds, agricultural incomeAbstract
The aim of the article is to present proposals for alternative financing of farms based on models used in countries outside the EU. At the outset, the preferences of Polish farmers in the area of financing innovative activities were diagnosed based on questionnaire interviews conducted in 2018 in the Łódź Voivodeship on a group of 150 farms that keep accounting books under the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) system. Based on the interviews (and a review of the literature on the subject), three basic sources of financing the innovative activity of farms were identified: own funds (income), bank loans, and European funds. As part of alternative financing of a gricultural entities, the author offers value chain financing (VCF), commonly used in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, and partly in Europe. The article presents the following categories of financial instruments that are components of the VCF: product financing, receivables financing, physical assets collateralization, risk mitigation products, and financial enhancement. The summary contains suggestions for the application of the VCF model in Poland and premises for further research.
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