Shared service centres as an optimal global business model




DSC, SSC, accountancy, finance, general ledger, global business model, outsourcing


In global corporations, outsourcing side business services has become increasingly popular within the last 20 years. In financial management, there are many laws that global companies must follow, generating high finance and accountancy costs. Strategic management is crucial to stay competitive in the global market.

A new business model that combines austerity measures with high-quality finance and accounting services is becoming popular worldwide thanks to changes in company structures. This paper aims to indicate how a certain business model impacts financial management globally and how the business structure changes as the company grows. This paper analyses trend in global business, establishing a separate legal organisation for finance and accounting purposes only, to provide these types of services for business units all over the world within a capital group.


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How to Cite

Wilusz, V. (2020). Shared service centres as an optimal global business model. Ekonomia Międzynarodowa (International Economics), (32), 308–322.


