Sources of customer value for Generation X in sharing-based services
sharing economy, Generation X, customer valueAbstract
Shared services are one of the most dynamically developing branches of modern services. Airbnb and Uber often serve customers not only as a substitute for traditional services, but they become their first choice when it comes to travelling, rides or accommodation. The article indicates the sources of customer value in sharing-based services. The analysis was carried out on Generation X.
The research objective of the article was, therefore, to determine which sources of customer value of sharing-based services affect the perceived value. The categorisation was based on the typology of customer value created by Sheth, Newman and Gross. The results of the study indicated that functional aspects dominate among the sources of value of sharing-based services according to Generation X. The study also showed the importance of situational value and the omission of social and emotional value.
The results of the research fill the research gap in the area of sources of value for Generation X in sharing-based services and indicate their dominant category. In further research, it will be valuable to analyse Generation X using a different theoretical model, as well as to compare Generation X with other age groups.
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