Models of consumer behavior on the market and selected factors influencing behavior of consumers on the electricity market in Poland
consumer behaviour, consumer behaviour models, electricity market, determinants of consumer behaviourAbstract
Consumer behaviour is an interesting issue from a scientific and business point of view. Knowledge concerning why consumers behave in a certain way while making purchasing decisions supports the company’s efforts to achieve success in the market. The article aims to identify factors influencing the behaviour of consumers in the electricity market. It was fulfilled in two ways. Firstly, Polish and foreign literature on consumer behaviour has been reviewed. The author discussed the Howard-Sheth and Nicosii behavioural model and then referred to the factors influencing consumer behaviour. Secondly, the results of the empirical study on the impact of selected factors on consumer behaviour in the electricity market were discussed. The study’s results indicate that psychological and economic factors may impact consumer behaviour toward new energy products the most.
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