Efficiency frontier on Japanese banking system


  • Ionut Cristian Ivan MSc, Institute for Doctoral Studies, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest




data envelopment analysis, free disposability hull, efficiency frontier, distance, financial efficiency, super efficiency


Since the emergence of the efficiency frontier techniques, a series of comparisons between the methods that led to the resultant efficiency has been presented. In this paper, data from 99 Japanese banks are used in order to prove the applicability of efficiency frontier analysis on the East-Asian financial system and to reveal the differences between inter and intra-regional banks, showing the effect of the present financial crisis on the efficiency of the studied banks. DEA and FDH are used to determine the technical and scale efficiency of the analyzed banks and also it compares fully efficient banks by ranking them through the super-efficiency notion.


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How to Cite

Ivan, I. C. (2015). Efficiency frontier on Japanese banking system. Ekonomia Międzynarodowa (International Economics), (12), 235–249. https://doi.org/10.18778/2082-4440.12.03


