The Dynamics of Control and Managerial Functions In Central and Eastern European Cities in the Time of the Economic Slowdown
command and control functions, Central Europe, Deloitte, corporation, headquartersAbstract
Large corporations are an important aspect influencing the status of the city in the international context. The aim of this article is to determine the level of development of the command and control functions of cities in Central and Eastern Europe. These functions are defined on the basis of revenues from sales and net income of 600 corporations whose headquarters are located in Central and Eastern Europe for the years 2008 and 2012. The impact of each sector was also examined. During the economic slowdown in 2008–2012, revenues from sales and net income of the examined corporations slightly increased. The highest level of development of control and management functions has been observed in two capitals: Prague and Warsaw. In addition, a decrease in the number of cities in which the head offices were located was noted, which is different from the trend observed on a global scale.
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