The impact of aid funds from the European Union on the condition of the Polish economy in 2007–2013
The European Union, economics, Poland, grants, economic crisis, investmentsAbstract
The influx of aid from the European Union to Poland in the form of EU funds was, is and probably will be one of the most important effects associated with our country’s accession to the EU. The aid measures obtained from the European Union in 2007–2013 influenced the development of the Polish economy and its integration with the economies of other Member States.
This article presents the size and structure of the EU funds that went to Poland in 2007–2013. It will also indicate the main areas of use of the funding from the European Union. An important aspect of the research will attempt to estimate the value of investments financed from EU funds and to provide examples of major projects. The results of research on the size and structure of investment projects financed from EU funds will then be used to analyze the share of aid from the European Union and national funds in financing investment in Poland as well as to assess the impact of EU funds on the condition of the Polish economy in 2007–2013 with reference to the economic crisis which took place in Europe.
By verifying the methods and the extent of the direct and indirect impact of EU funds on the economic situation in Poland, we will assess the use of aid from the perspective of time and synchronization with the new programming period 2014–2020.
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