Methods of measurement e-government in the context of international competitiveness
e-government, national competitiveness, public value of e-governmentAbstract
The subject under discussion is the problem of publications on the relationship between the e-government implementation process and the ability to compete. Today, it is estimated that the key objective of the informatisation of public administration at both central and local levels, is the preparation and implementation of electronic public services for citizens and businesses productively and efficiently. The e-government vision presented by the European Commission, and gradually implemented through EU Member States shows, that the process of developing e-government should serve as a tool to support the processes of governance. Projects related to the informatisation may influence the improvement of the education system and health services, create jobs, change how resources are managed, reduce transaction costs and the overall transformation of institutional nature. The currently used measuring tools of benefits from the implementation of public e-services and general development of e-government do not always show directly whether they are generated. The purpose of the publication is to identify and evaluate currently used indicators of electronic administration development in the context of measuring the benefits of this process, which are significant for improving the country’s competitiveness in the international arena.
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