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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to all of the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Editorial instructions, which is found in "For Authors".
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed - the file does not contain name(s) of the Author(s), nor any information enabling reviewers to indicate the Author(s).

Author Guidelines

We welcome cooperation with all people who would like to publish their text in our journal. In accordance with our editorial policy, only articles that include the author's scientific contribution in the form of a critical analysis of the issues described and/or a description of the results of his own research will be published, with preference given to texts presenting the results of the authors' research.

All papers are reviewed in a double-blind system, in which the authors and reviewers do not know their identities. In order to exclude conflicts of interest, Reviewers are selected from other scientific entities than those of the Authors. In the Ekonomia Międzynarodowa /International Economics/ quarterly only texts accepted by two Reviewers are published. Each review ends with a clear conclusion. In case of divergent positions of the first two Reviewers, a third Reviewer is appointed.

Texts sent in for review and publication should be prepared in either Polish or English and in accordance with technical instructions established by the Editorial Board. In the case of co-authorship, unless the Co-Authors make a different statement together, the contribution of all Co-Authors is considered equal.

Articles should be reported as anonymized MsWord files. Author/Authors' personal data (in accordance with the guidelines below) should be included in the file only after the acceptance of the text after the reviews.

The submitted file should contain the text of the article, bibliography, as well as the title, abstract, and keywords in Polish and English (regardless of the language of the article).


I. Main text

  1. Times New Roman; font size: 12; 1.5 interline spacing
  2. Paragraph indent (1.25 cm) – the first paragraph of any section of the article being the only exception (lack of indent)
  3. Justified text
  4. Quotes and non-English words – italics

II. Titles and headings

  1. Title of the article – Times New Roman, font size: 16; headings – Times New Roman font size: 14
  2. Left-justified, bold
  3. All parts of the article should be numbered (introduction and conclusions being the only exceptions)

III. Footnotes

  1. Times New Roman, font size: 10
  2. Justified
  3. Only explanatory footnotes are allowed (sources of quotes or data should be placed in parentheses in the main text – directly after quote or data).

IV. Authors - this information should be entered in the file only after the final acceptance of the text (after reviews and corrections)

  1. The authors should be specified in the upper left-hand corner (above the title of the paper) in alphabetical order. Times New Roman, font size: 12; left-justified
  2. A brief note about the author  (authors) should  be  placed  in  a  footnote  (footnotes): asterisks, Times New Roman, font size: 10; justified;
  3. The note should include Author’s degree/title, affiliation (University, Faculty, and Department or field of studies in case of students) and e-mail address; examples:

John Smith*

Kate Thompson** Mark Williams*** footnote:

* John Smith  – MSc., University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Department of Macroeconomics,

** Kate Thompson – PhD, University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Department of International Trade,

*** Mark Williams – student, University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Field of studies: Economics,

 V. Graphic elements

  1. Times New Roman, font size: 10; 5 interline spacing
  2. Category and number of a graphic element (for example Table 1) – bold text; title of a graphic element – normal text
  3. Elements of tables – Times New Roman, font size: 10, first row (head) – bold
  4. In case of copying an element from the Internet source, one should specify the address and the date of access (just like in the bibliography)
  5. Categories of graphic elements: figures and tables

CAUTION: The journal is published in shades of grey. Graphic elements need to be legible in such a coloring.