Editorial Instructions

Editorial Instructions

We would like to invite everybody, who wishes to publish their work in our journal, to cooperation. According to our editorial policy, only articles which include authors’ apparent contribution in a form of critical analyses or display of their own research effects could be published in EM. Articles which present authors’ own results are preferred.

Articles can be published only of Authors accept the editorial agreement of the University of Lodz Publishing House. Moreover, EM recognizes ethical guidelines of COPE (publicationethics.org). Therefore, the Editorial Board finds it inadmissible to use unethical procedures, such as plagiarism (auto-plagiarism included), ghostwriting or guest-authorship. Their detection will result in the article’s rejection.

All articles are subject to critical review in a double-blind system, in which Authors and Reviewers are not aware of each others’ identities. To exclude possible conflict of interest, Reviewers are chosen from other scientific units than Authors. Only articles approved by two Reviewers are admitted to publication in EM. Each review is required include an unequivocal conclusion. Should the first two Reviewers submit divergent conclusions, a third Reviewer will be appointed.

Texts sent in for review and publication should be prepared in either Polish or English and in accordance with technical instructions established by the Editorial Board. In case of co-authorship, unless Co-Authors lodge a joint different statement, an equal contribution of all Co-Authors is assumed.


  1. Main text
  1. Times New Roman; font size: 12; 1.5 interline spacing
  2. Paragraph indent (1.25 cm) – the first paragraph of any section of the article being the only exception (lack of indent)
  3. Justified text
  4. Quotes and non-English words – italics
  1. Titles and headings
  1. Title of the article – Times New Roman, font size: 16; headings – Times New Roman font size: 14
  2. Left-justified, bold
  3. All parts of the article should be numbered (introduction and conclusions being the only exceptions)
  1. Footnotes
  1. Times New Roman, font size: 10
  2. Justified
  3. Only explanatory footnotes are allowed (sources of quotes or data should be placed in parentheses in the main text – directly after quote or data).
  1. Authors
  1. Authors should be specified in the upper left-hand corner (above the title of the paper) in an alphabetical order. Times New Roman, font size: 12; left-justified
  2. A brief note about author  (authors) should  be  placed  in  a  footnote  (footnotes): asterisks, Times New Roman, font size: 10; justified;
  3. The note should include Author’s degree/title, affiliation (University, Faculty and Department or field of studies in case of students) and e-mail address; examples:

John Smith*

Kate Thompson** Mark Williams*** footnote:

* John Smith  – MSc., University  of Lodz, Faculty  of Economics and Sociology, Department of Macroeconomics, jsmith@uni.lodz.pl.

** Kate Thompson – PhD, University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Department of International Trade, kthompson@uni.lodz.pl.

*** Mark Williams – student, University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Field of studies: Economics, mark.williams@email.com.


  1. Graphic elements
  1. Times New Roman, font size: 10; 5 interline spacing
  2. Category and number of a graphic element (for example: Table 1) – bold text; title of a graphic element – normal text
  3. Elements of tables – Times New Roman, font size: 10, first row (head) – bold
  4. In case of copying an element from the Internet source, one should specify address and the date of access (just like in bibliography)
  5. Categories of graphic elements: figures and tables

CAUTION: The journal is published in shades of grey. Graphic elements need to be legible in such a colouring

  1. Sources of data/quotes etc.
  2. Any source should be placed in parentheses. Year of source (publication) and its page should be specified (one may not specify page when sentences or data are based on the whole publication). Example:

If the United States had grown 1 percentage point below actual rate, its GDP per capita in 2000 would have been $9450 (Barro, Sala-i-Martin 2004, p. 1).

For Taylor the main cause of the crisis is too expansionary monetary policy (see Taylor 2009)

  1. In case of multiple authors one may use „et a” – example: Bernard et al. 2003
  1. Bibliography
  1. Alphabetical order
  2. Times New Roman, font size: 12, indent: 25 cm (all lines except the first), 1.5 interline spacing;
  3. Book – surname, first name initial, year of publication (in parentheses), title (italics), publisher, place of publication; example:

Varian H. (1992), Microeconomic Analysis, W.W. Norton, New York, NY.

  1. Part of book – surname, first name initial, year of publication (in parentheses), title (italics), [in:] surname, first name initial (“e” term in parentheses when needed), title (italics), publisher, place of publication. Example:

Helpman E. (1992), International trade in the presence of product differentiation, economies of scale and monopolistic competition: A Chamberlin-Heckscher-Ohlin approach [w:] Grossman G. (ed.), Imperfect Competition and International Trade, MIT Press, Cambridge.

  1. Magazines and journals – surname, first name initial, year of publication (in parentheses), title of an article, title of magazine/journal (italics), volume/numbe When authors are not specified one may start with a title of an article. Examples:

Lubowski A. (2010), Causes of financial crisis, Polityka, No. 9/2010. Adopt euro or not?, Gazeta Wyborcza, issue from 22 April, 2011.

  1. Reports/working papers/discussion  papers  – surname,  first  name  initial, year  of publication (in parentheses), title (italics), name of institution (one may specify the type of document: working paper etc.), place of publication. When authors are not specified one should treat an institution as an author. Examples:

Rivera-Batiz L., Romer P. (1990), Economic Integration and Endogenous Growth, NBER Working Paper No. 3528, Cambridge, MA.

World Bank (1993), The East Asian Miracle. Economic Growth and Public Policy, World Bank Policy Research Report, Washington, DC.

  1. Internet sources – surname, first name initial, year of publication (in parentheses), title (italics), publisher, Internet address, date of access (in parentheses). When authors are not specified one may start with a title. Example:


Baj L. (2011), No Progress in Doha Development Negotiations, wyborcza,biz, http://wyborcza.biz/biznes/1,100896,9144388,doda_development.html (date of access: 22 February, 2011).

  1. Summary
  1. “Summary” headline – Times New Roman, font size: 11, centred, no indent, bold
  2. Main text of summary – Times New Roman, font size: 11, justified, indent 1.25 cm
  1. Keywords
  1. “Keywords:” headline - Times New Roman, font size: 11, left-justified, no indent, bold
  2. Keywords should be written in the same line, directly after the headline, in turn, separated with semicolons, Times New Roman, font size: 11, plane type (not bold)
  1. Title, summary and keywords in Polish
  1. If the author speaks Polish, title, summary and keywords in Polish should be provided
  2. Summary and keywords should be formatted as in English, with headlines “Streszczenie” and “Słowa kluczowe:” respectively
  3. Title should be included above the summary in Polish – Times New Roman, size: 11, centred, no indent, bold, in small capitals
  1. JEL codes
  1. “JEL:” headline - Times New Roman, font size: 11, left-justified, no indent, bold
  2. Codes should be written in the same line, directly after the headline, in turn, in alphabetical order, separated with semicolons, Times New Roman, font size: 11, plane type (not bold)
  3. One should add two or three codes that best fit the content of the article. The codes and their description can be found on: https://www.aeaweorg/econlit/jelCodes.php