Call for papers
Dear Ladies and Gentleman,
we warmly invite you to submit your scholarly articles to the journal “Eastern Review” published by the University of Lodz Press. Our journal serves as an interdyscyplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and research findings in the following areas:
- political and legal;
- socio-economic;
- jurisprudential;
- sociological;
- economic;
- cultural studies;
- linguistic
related to the countries of the Eastern European region.
We also offer the possibility of publishing deposited data papers.
We accept articles in both Polish and English.
Why publish in “Eastern Review”?
- The journal is awarded 40 points in the official list of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN).
- We are indexed in numerous academic databases and services, including Erih+, DOAJ, EBSCO Essentials, Proquest and many others.
Submissions should be sent via the journal’s website.
Deadline: May 31st.
We encourage you to contribute work that enhances interdisciplinary academic discussion and advances knowledge in areas critical to contemporary social, economic and cultural challenges.
The Editioral Board of “Eastern Review”