Author Guidelines

1. Authors are requested to send three separate WORD files: 
a) an unsigned article in .doc or .docx format prepared for blind review. Every effort should be made by the authors to see that the text itself contains no clues to their identities; 
b) information about the author (the author’s full name and surname, academic degree/title, name of the university with exact affiliation, or information: "independent researcher", ORCID number, correspondence address, phone number and an e-mail; 
c) the author's bio in English (up to 100 words, Times New Roman, 10 points, 1.5 spacing). 
2. Accepted article languages: Polish, Latin, English, French, Spanish, German or Italian. Other languages need previous Editors’ approval.  
3. The text’s structure: 
a) the title (centred, Times New Roman, 14 points, great letters, bold); 
b) title and abstract in English (up to 200 words): Times New Roman, 10 points, with the title: in great letters, centred; for an article in English, please include the abstract and title in two languages: in English and another congressional language; 
c) keywords always in the language of the article and in Polish and English. 
4. Technical requirements: 
a) the main text: Times New Roman, 10 points, 1.5 spacing, margins: 2.5 cm., without additional indentations and spaces, paragraphs: 1.25 cm [please do not use tabs to indent paragraphs]; 
b) in the text, inter-headings and intersections may be used: Times New Roman, 12 points, bold, left-aligned or centred; 
c) longer citations: citations longer than three lines should be extracted from the text; Times New Roman, 10, 1.5 line spacing, no inverted commas, no italics, line break after the quotation and before the quotation, no additional indentation; when quoting a fragment of the original and its translation - a line of space between them]; 
d) citations not extracted from the text: Latin citations, please write in italics without inverted commas; quotations in other languages in the main text: in inverted commas, without italics; Greek quotations: without inverted commas, without italics; 
e) for emphasis in the text, boldface and italics are acceptable; underlining is not; 
f) footnotes: only for significant remarks and supplements; Times New Roman, 10, with 1.5 line spacing; 
g) footnotes and bibliography in Harvard style (Citation guide); 
h) submitted text should have continuous paging.  
5. Illustrations should be delivered in separate files with the given name and positioned in the text; photographs saved in *.tif, *.jpg, *.psd files with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi at the required reproduction size; drawings saved in *.cdr or contrasted; diagrams in Corel Draw or Microsoft Excel; each illustration, diagram, drawing, photograph or reproduction should be signed and numbered; only materials to which the author of the text holds copyrights or which are in the public domain will be accepted. 
6. If a text contains uncommon fonts (e.g. Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew) which are not a part of the standard version of the text editor or Windows environment, the appropriate font files should be included. 
7. The author is obliged to make the corrections recommended by the reviewers and to proofread the text by the deadline agreed upon with the Editor. He does not receive remuneration for this. Failure to send the article after review within the deadline will result in its postponement to the next issue of the journal or its rejection. 
8. After composition, the article is forwarded to the author for proofreading. The correction should be prepared electronically on the errata sheet. No extensions will be made to article texts at the proofreading stage. Only corrections to existing text may be made. Failure to send in a text after proofreading will be interpreted as the author's consent to its publication in its current form. 
9. Until a text appears in an electronic version, a copy of submitted materials shall be stored by the author. 

Publications in Collectanea Philologica are subdivided into the following sections: 

This section includes original research articles as well as review articles, including abstracts and references. 

Book reviews should not exceed 20.000 characters (with spaces). 

Privacy Statement  
The personal data and e-mail addresses provided by the authors will only be used for the purposes of publishing the magazine. See Privacy Statement.