Virgil’s Epyllion about Orpheus and Euridice: in the Workshop of Scientifics, Artists and Translators… The Polish Translation of the Story


  • Aleksandra Arndt Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza



Orpheus and Eurydice, epyllion, reception, translation


The article discusses differences in the treatment of the Virgilian epyllion by scholars and artists. It also indicates that the work of a translator is the result of the activities in both areas. A few introductory remarks are followed by Polish translation of the story.

Author Biography

Aleksandra Arndt, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza

dr Aleksandra Arndt (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu) – literary scholar and translator, laureate of numerous scholarships and two awards of the Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University. She deals with poetry of the Augustan literature, reception of selected elements of ancient culture in Europe, as well as humanistic aspects of natural issues. She is the author of a French-language textbook on the history of Latin L’utilisation du latin du Moyen Âge à nos jours (2010). In 2013, she published a translation of the German-language book of Wilfired Stroh, Łacina umarła, niech żyje łacina! Mała historia wielkiego języka, and in 2016 a crack of Tibullus love elegies. She is currently finalizing the poetic translation of Virgil’s Georgics.



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How to Cite

Arndt, A. (2020). Virgil’s Epyllion about Orpheus and Euridice: in the Workshop of Scientifics, Artists and Translators… The Polish Translation of the Story. Collectanea Philologica, (23), 91–97.


