Latin Idioms and Linguistic Variation in Spanish in the 21st Century




Latin, Spanish language, idioms, corpus linguistics, orthography, linguistic variation


The objective of this article is to analyze the effect of linguistic variation in Latin idioms in Spanish, invariable lexical units, from a normative point of view. To do this, first of all, we define and distinguish Latin idioms within Latinisms in the Spanish language. Afterwards, we present its typology and main structures, according to Sánchez Martínez (1993). Later we discuss the normative treatment of Latin phrases by RAE, not exempt from some contradictions and changes in criteria over time. In the analytical part, we synthesize the meaning and normative use of 32 widely used Latin idioms. Finally, based on the linguistic corpus CORPES XXI, we carry out a quantitative analysis of the linguistic variants of the selected Latin idioms, with an example of each variant.

Author Biography

Antonio María López González, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Dr hab. Antonio María López González, prof. UŁ – full-time professor in Spanish linguistics of the Department of Spanish Philology at the University of Lodz since 2007. He defended his PhD thesis on a sociolinguistic analysis of  the language of radio broadcasting in Almería (Spain) in 2001 and obtained his post-Doctoral degree in 2016 on the basis of a monograph entitled: Lexical Availability. Theory, method and analysis. He is author of over 70 publications: monographs, articles, chapters… Extensive experience in training teachers of Spanish as a foreign language. Research interests: (1) Sociolinguistic and dialectal variation in Spanish; (2) Language acquisition in Spanish; (3) Use of Spanish in the mass media; (4) Methodology for teaching Spanish as a foreign language.


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2024-10-30 — Updated on 2025-01-02


How to Cite

López González, A. M. (2025). Latin Idioms and Linguistic Variation in Spanish in the 21st Century. Collectanea Philologica, (27), 373–394. (Original work published October 30, 2024)