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The Contribution of Digital Humanities to an Approach to The Study of Hispano-Roman Epigraphy




Digital Humanities, TIC, Epigraphy, Hispania


Within the various research areas of Ancient History, Digital Humanities have gained a significant role in recent years. However, in the more specific field of Epigraphy, which is the topic of this contribution, although the usefulness of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has begun to be evaluated, these resources have largely been used as a complementary tool and not as an integral part of the epigraphic discipline. For this reason, it can be to present and describe those ICT-related tools that can be consider fundamental for a modern epigraphic study, with a particular focus on the Latin epigraphy of Roman Hispania.

Author Biography

Marina Bastero Acha, Uniwersytet warszawski

Dr Marina Bastero Acha – is a historian and epigraphist, she is a specialist in Hispano-Roman religious epigraphy, with a special focus on evergetic practices. She graduated in History at the University of the Basque Country in 2016, she completed a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the University of Salamanca and a second Master’s degree in the Classical World at the University of the Basque Country. She holds a PhD, supported by a Basque Government fellowship, from the University of the Basque Country (2023) with a thesis entitled Religious Evergetism in Roman Hispania (1st century BC – 3rd century AD). She is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC Stone Masters project at the University of Warsaw.



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How to Cite

Bastero Acha, M. (2024). The Contribution of Digital Humanities to an Approach to The Study of Hispano-Roman Epigraphy. Collectanea Philologica, (27), 307–322.

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