The Image of a Woman in the “II Eclogue” by Nemesianus




woman, rape, virginity, Nemesianus, II Eclogue


The aim of the article is to analyse the image of a woman in the II Eclogue written by Nemesianus. Moreover, the text describes somatic symptoms used in the evidentiary proceedings in the case of loss of virginity and leading to the accused woman’s isolation.

Author Biography

Anna Kucz, Uniwersytet Śląski

Dr hab. Anna Kucz prof. UŚ – Associate Professor in the Institute of Literary Studies at the University of Silesia in Poland. A member of the Roman Society and the Polish Philological Association. Her interests focus on Roman literature (especially in Late Antiquity) as well as on Mediterranean culture. Moreover, she analyses changes of culture and European thought, which occurred as a result of a clash of both classical and Christian civilisations. The author of numerous articles published in renowned periodicals and several books, e.g.: Dyskurs z Filozofią w “Consolatio Philosophiae” Boecjusza (The Discourse with Philosophy in Boethius’ “Consolatio Philosophiae”), Katowice 2005, Umbra veri. Arnobiusz i nurty filozofii klasycznej (Umbra veri. Arnobius and Trends of Classical Philosophy), Katowice 2012, Nemezjan w kręgu tradycji łowieckiej (with Edyta Gryksa, Katowice 2019). Currently she is carrying out a research on the works written by a Latin rhetor and apologist – Arnobius of Sicca Veneria and on the output of a Carthaginian poet – Nemesianus.


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How to Cite

Kucz, A. (2021). The Image of a Woman in the “II Eclogue” by Nemesianus. Collectanea Philologica, (24), 101–109.