About the Journal

Aims and Scope of the Journal

Since 1995, the content profile of the journal has been defined by topics related to the broadly understood literature, language, history, art and philosophy of the ancient world, as well as the reception of antiquity in modern culture.

The journal publishes scientific articles concerning the culture of ancient Greece and Rome, Greek and Latin-language texts, including Christian literature, which was created in Poland and other European countries during the Middle Ages, the Renaissance or the Baroque period.

Our periodical additionally publishes translations of Greek and Latin literature into Polish.

The articles in each issue are assigned into three areas: Hellenism, Latin studies and reception of antiquity in modern culture. Research papers could be divided according to other criteria depending on the thematic scope of a given volume (e.g. literature, linguistics, philosophy, history and art).

Our purpose is to integrate the community interested in the field of antiquity. The journal publishes works of established researchers, as well as younger academics.

Collectanea is aimed at an international audience. All articles and reviews have English-language abstracts and keywords added to the metadata in other languages. 

Publication languages are Polish, English, Italian, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Latin.

The Editorial and Scientific Board consist of renowned professors representing Polish and foreign research centres.

Articles are supplemented with short, English-language biographies of the authors, which helps to build up the recognisability of researchers and fosters contacts with colleagues from Poland and abroad.

Collectanea Philologica publishes only peer-reviewed original research. The journal follows double-blind review guidelines (see: policy regarding peer-review).

The issues are available in both printed and electronic formats.

All articles are available in Open Access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License).

Number of articles published in the last year: 17

Journals scoring by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 100 (July 2023)


Practical information, important dates

The journal is published once a year in digitised form in November/December. Articles for subsequent volumes are collected by the end of December of each year preceding the journal volume (e.g. if you wish to publish an article in 2024, you must send the required set of papers by the end of December 2023). Any changes to dates must be agreed in advance with the Editor. The topics for the next volume are always announced on the journal's page at CfP. The waiting period for confirmation of acceptance of an article by the Editor and for reviews may vary and depends on the time of receipt of the article, the period necessary to check the completeness of the documents and the author's fulfilment of the publication standards adopted by the journal, as well as the subject matter of the text and the availability of reviewers. The average waiting time for an Editor's decision can be up to 1 month and for reviews between 3 and 5 months.

Open Access Policy

The basic license for publishing articles in the journal is CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution – Non-Commercial Use – No Derivatives). At the author's request it is possible to publish it under the CC-BY (Attribution) license.

The journal has been available in Open Access since 2013 (see: archival issues in the University of Lodz Repository). First issue published in OJS in 2016 (see: Archives).

The Author grants the University of Lodz the non-exclusive proprietary copyrights license for the work in all fields of exploitation listed in Art. 50 of the Act of February 4, 1994 about copyright and related rights, also by an open access (including the rules of the Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND). The license also includes the right for further sublicensing in the aforementioned fields of exploitation. See: Copyright Notice

Due to the implementation of the policy of open access to science works, the University of Lodz uses the Author’s right to deposit the work in the Repository of the University of Lodz and other distribution platforms, and the Author notes not to terminate the license agreement throughout its duration. See: Author Declaration Form

Personal copyrights are not transferable. Granting the license does not take away the property rights from the author.

License allows to copy and distribute the work in any medium provided an appropriate credit is given – you must provide the name of the creator and attribution parties, a copyright notice, a license notice, a disclaimer notice, and the link to the material, a link to the license, and you must indicate the changes made.

You are allowed to disseminate, present, and search for works only for non-commercial purposes and as long as you go for exploitation. You should not improve the modified content, which has been processed or created from the original new work (derivative work).

Full text of the license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode

Privacy policy

  1. The Administrator of the personal data of the Author/Reviewer is the University of Lodz (address: ul. Narutowicza 68, 90-136 Lodz). 
  2. The Personal Data Protection Supervision at the University of Lodz can be contacted via the following e-mail address: iod@uni.lodz.pl.
  3. The data shall be processed in order to complete the publication process
  4. The data shall be processed pursuant to the provisions within Art. 6 Section 1 (b) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.
  5. The obtained data shall be processed and stored for the period necessary to perform the purpose stipulated within the agreement, including the periods of data storage indicated by generally applicable laws and regulations.
  6. TheAuthor/Reviewer has the right to demand access to their personal data, to request their personal data be corrected, to restrict or limit the processing of their personal data, and to demand their personal data be deleted if permissible by law. 
  7. TheAuthor/Reviewer has the right to file a complaint to a data protection authority on suspected violations of the law related to the processing of personal data. 
  8. The provision of personal data is necessary to conclude and complete the agreement, and it arises from legal regulations.