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"Deidamia Achilli" – średniowieczny dialog z "Heroidami" Owidiusza w przekładzie na język polski



Słowa kluczowe:

Heroides, Owidiusz, Achilleis, Stacjusz, imitacja, elegia, przekład


The article presents the first translation into Polish of an anonymous medieval poem entitled Deidamia Achilli. It belongs to the rich tradition of continuation and imitation of Ovid’s Heroides. The dependencies of the medieval text on Ovid’s elegies (especially Her. III) are shown, as well as its connections with Statius’ Achilleis.

Biogram autora

Monika Miazek-Męczyńska - Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Dr hab. Monika Miazek-Męczyńska, prof. UAM – is classical philologist, literary scholar, translator from Latin, propagator of ancient culture, working at the Institute of Classical Philology of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Her research focuses on 16th–18th century Latin texts (archive materials, old prints) regarding Jesuit missions in China, with particular emphasis on the works and activities of Polish Jesuits. She also deals with the work of poets of the Augustan era (especially Ovid and Horace) and its reception in European literature, which is reflected for example in the translation of Ovid’s Heroides (published in 2022), in cooperation with prof. Elżbieta Wesołowska.



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Jak cytować

Miazek-Męczyńska, M. (2024). "Deidamia Achilli" – średniowieczny dialog z "Heroidami" Owidiusza w przekładzie na język polski. Collectanea Philologica, (27), 411–426.