Homerowe ślady w "Prawdziwej historii" Lukiana z Samosat




Słowa kluczowe:

Homer, kwestia homerycka, recepcja, Lukian, Prawdziwa historia


Lucian of Samosata was one of the representatives of the Second Sophistic who referred to Homer’s poems in his work. There are many opinions in the literature that Lucian mocked Homer in order to belittle his authority. Lucian’s work A True Story does not shy away from references to Greece’s first poet, including in the context of humour and parody. The aim of this article is to show how Lucian uses Homer’s epics in A True Story – can we say that the reception Lucian makes in his satire only shows that the Greek poet was fodder for mockery, or can we also see there some signs of respect for Homer.

Biogram autora

Aneta Tylak - Uniwersytet Łódzki

Dr Aneta Tylak is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Lodz. Scientific interests: ancient philosophy, hermetism, Greek mythology and tragedy. Author of the monograph Bóg – świat – człowiek w traktatach Corpus Hermeticum na tle greckiej tradycji filozoficznej.


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2024-10-30 — zaktualizowane 2025-01-02


Jak cytować

Tylak, A. (2025). Homerowe ślady w "Prawdziwej historii" Lukiana z Samosat. Collectanea Philologica, (27), 45–59. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-0319.27.04 (Original work published 30 październik 2024)