Sobre los factores externos e internos de la penetración de los germanismos en la península ibérica
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
łacina, Półwysep Iberyjski, hiszpański, zapożyczenia germańskie, sposoby przenikania, zewnętrzne i wewnętrzne czynniki, cechy strukturalne i leksykalno-semantyczneAbstrakt
The aim of this paper is to define, delimitate and explain the most important external and internal factors of the penetration of Germanic elements (mainly Visigothic) in the Iberian Peninsula, with special attention to the V–VIII centuries. The author analyses the political and linguistic situation in the Iberian Peninsula and indicates the textual sources of the above-mentioned period. He also makes some observations regarding the routes of penetration and presents some structural, lexical and semantic features of the Germanic borrowings. In his final remarks the author comments on the difference between direct and indirect loans and points out the possibility of the interaction between different external and internal factors, for example, phonetic, lexical and semantic changes connected with the evolution wisa > guisa.
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