Integrated tourist product in promotional activities of Uniejów municipality and its role in place branding
tourism, recreation, place-based marketing, promotions, place branding, integrated tourist product, UniejówAbstract
The article starts with the theoretical discussion of the concept of territorial brand building and the creation of an integrated tourist product. This is followed by a comprehensive description of the natural, cultural and infrastructural resources of Uniejow, which are a basis for spa tourism and recreation development, and the promotional and marketing activities carried out on the basis of these resources. These activities are undertaken in Uniejow in accordance with the vision and directions of development of the municipality, which are specified in local strategic documents and strategic plans oriented to brand building of thermal spa. Analysis of changes in tourism in the municipality reveals the effects of promotional projects realized so far. Evaluation of the effects of marketing efforts was also based on the opinions of the citizens, which were examined by means of a questionnaire survey. The article ends with conclusions in which it was rated how far the tourist product of Uniejow is branded and integrated; in the last part of the paper there are recommendations for further actions to help create a more comprehensive and integrated tourist product.
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