The History of the Muscate Family’s Mansion at 5 Dominikswall Street in Gdańsk




Gdańsk, Muscate, Rosenbaum, archaeology, 20th century


The paper discusses the possibilities of interpreting the remains of twentieth-century architecture in the historical context based on the archaeological research results presented. Analysis of archaeological sources concerns a location in today’s Wały Jagiellońskie Street in Gdańsk. The discovered walls have been identified as the historical address 5 Dominikswall Street. The text presents the forty six years of history of the discovered property based on historical sources. The data collected constitutes a fragment of the common history of two wealthy Gdańsk families – Muscate and Rosenbaum.


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How to Cite

Dąbal, J. (2022). The History of the Muscate Family’s Mansion at 5 Dominikswall Street in Gdańsk. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica, (37), 31–49.


