Late Medieval and Modern Ceramics from the Castle in Przezmark in the Light of the Results of Gas Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry – an Attempt at Interpretation




ceramics, gas chromatography compressed with mass spectrometry, chemical analysis, Przezmark


Archaeological excavations of the Institute of Archaeology UKSW lasted from July to August 2017. Principals have reviewed the area. In the first season, four excavations were opened – three (A–C) ones in the high castle and one (D) in the middle castle area. Trench A was founded on the outside of the south-eastern corner of the castle. The work was to verify the presence of the external wall – it was built from the side of the lake, present on the plans of the castle. During the excavation tests, the remains of the toilet tank were unveiled. Fragments of usable ceramics were extracted from these places. Samples were taken from vessels and transferred to the laboratory. During the chemical analysis, fatty acids were isolated. Based on the proportion of acids obtained, an attempt was made to interpret food prepared in dishes. The following tests were chosen for the tests: lid (P1), six den (P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7), two bellies (P9, P10) and two outlets (P8 and P11). After an overall analysis, it was found that FAME of plant and animal origin was detected in all samples.


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How to Cite

Zdeb, K., & Żurek, M. (2021). Late Medieval and Modern Ceramics from the Castle in Przezmark in the Light of the Results of Gas Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry – an Attempt at Interpretation. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica, (36), 327–342.


