New Methods, New Opportunities. Recent Advances in Archaeological Science and their Application in Arms and Armour Studies




Prof. Andrzej Nadolski, Prof. Marian Głosek, archaeological science, archaeometry, archaeometallurgy of iron, non-invasive examinations, arms and armour studies


The jubilee of Professor Andrzej Nadolski and Professor Marian Głosek is an excellent opportunity for discussing some most recent methods of technological analyses in archaeology and their applications in arms and armour studies.

New opportunities are offered by Computed Tomography (CT) and by Neutron Imaging (NI). The latter is insensitive to material density; therefore details that are not detectable by X-ray or CT can be seen in NI images.

A considerable progress has also been made in the field of radiocarbon dating. Yet another field are analyses of the chemical composition of smelting slag and slag inclusions in ferrous artefacts. Such analyses can be used for identification of smelting processes, as well as for provenance studies. These take a number of variables into consideration (major and trace elements, as well as isotopic ratios). What seems to be especially promising in provenance studies are isotopes of osmium (Os).


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How to Cite

Żabiński, G. (2021). New Methods, New Opportunities. Recent Advances in Archaeological Science and their Application in Arms and Armour Studies. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica, (36), 265–277.


