Paradigms of anthropology as causes of taxonomic controversies


  • Jacek Tomczyk Institute of Ecology and Bioethic, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Dewajtis 5, Warsaw, Poland



paradigm, taxonomy, hominids


The thesis of the paper is that the paradigms espoused by scholars affect their taxonomic decisions, which points to a philosophical source of such controversies. The paradigms the author discusses as holding in anthropology, at various times, include: (1) the “fixity-of-species” paradigm, (2) the “Asian roots” paradigm, (3) the “encephalization” paradigm, and (4) the “mid-Tertiary” paradigm.


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How to Cite

Tomczyk, J. (2002). Paradigms of anthropology as causes of taxonomic controversies. Anthropological Review, 65, 81–91.




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