Editorial Instructions
Submitting manuscripts
Manuscripts in English must be submitted via https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/ar/login portal.
The authors are responsible for all article content, for the accuracy of their quotes and for reference adequacy. Authors must submit their manuscripts in a proper form, consistent with our guidelines and in correct English. Articles that do not meet the conditions specified in the below “guidelines for authors” will not be processed. However, a corrected version may be resubmitted. The submitting author will receive confirmation that the article has been accepted for evaluation; together with instructions on future procedural stages.
Submitted manuscripts are subject to evaluation by two anonymous reviewers and, where appropriate, by the Statistical Advisor. Here, the principle of double-blind reviewing is applied. The names of both authors and reviewers are concealed. The reviews and the Editors’ comments will be sent to the correspondent’s email address.
Authors’ revised articles must be submitted before the Editor’s deadline. The corrected version will be re-evaluated where necessary, and the author will be advised whether the article has been accepted for publication, requires further revisions, or has been declined. The form and rules of our reviews are available in the journal tab on the PTA website.
The Editors’ correspondence is conducted by e-mail. Editorial corrections are permitted to authors only in substantial matters and the Editors reserve the right to make necessary corrections and shortenings without the authors’ prior consent. The Editors may refuse article publication following consultation with Editorial Board members.
Material accepted for publication becomes the property of the journal and may not be published in whole or in part elsewhere without prior written consent.
Authors will receive copies of their articles in PDF format. Authors are not entitled to royalties.
Guidelines for Authors
Preparation of manuscript
General comments
Material submitted for publication must be written in English, American spelling, according to style guidelines of the Council of Biological Editors (CBE) Scientific Style and Format (6th edition as updated after 2006). Please view our Proofreading policy for further information. It must be sent in electronic form in Microsoft Word format (as doc or rtf), and the pages must have 2.5 cm margins with the text written in Times New Roman 12p. The format must also have 1.5 line intervals, be unjustified and have no indentations or bold type.
The text of original papers or short notes must have the following layout: 1) title page; 2) abstract; 3) keywords; 4) introduction; 5) material and methods; 6) results; 7) discussion; 8) acknowledgements; 9) references; 10) tables; 11) figures legends and 12) figures.
Reviews must have the following layout: 1) title page; 2) abstract; 3) keywords; 4) particular aspects of the issues discussed under their title headings; 6) results; 7) discussion; 8) acknowledgements and 9) references.
Original papers should not be longer than 25 pages (including references); tables and figures excluded. Although the limit for review articles is 45 pages, this maximum may be extended in well justified cases.
Title page
Page one should contain the following contents, in separate lines and in the following order:
1) title; 2) authors’ full names; 3) names of the institutions where the authors work – from the lowest level (laboratory, department, chair) to the highest (institute, university); 4) the corresponding authors' full name, address, phone number, email address, ORCID number and 5) a running title of up to 50 characters: counting the spaces between words.
Abstract and keywords
The abstract of up to 300 words must be on a separate page, and structured to contain the introduction, study aim, material and methods and results and conclusion.
Keywords in the form of index items (3-10 words) should be placed under the abstract without repeating words contained in the title.
The text should be written in Word using Times New Roman 12p. with line intervals of 1.5, unjustified and without indentations or bold formatting. Abbreviations must be defined at first use in the text. Measurement results must be in SI units with statistical methods described in detail at the end of the methodology section.
Research data structure (data article)
Is a short, peer-reviewed publication whose purpose is to present information about a data set and the possibilities of its reuse. Describes:
a) the contents of the data set deposited in a trusted, accredited repository;
b) the methods used to create this dataset;
c) the reuse potential of the dataset.
The data documentation contains a link to the data set deposited in the repository selected by the Author. It is distributed under the CC license and is provided with a DOI. Structure of research data (data article):
a) Dataset location [DOI];
b) Contents of the data set;
c) Context and methodology;
d) Reuse potential;
e) License;
f) Relationship to other projects;
g) Bibliography;
h) Citation https://citation.crosscite.org/;
i) Financing.
In general we do not accept reference to unpublished or papers that are "in press".
1. References quoted in the text.
a. when an author is quoted directly, the year of publication must be given after the name in round brackets.
This view has been supported in the work of Tanner (1962).
b. when quoting a specific fragment of a paper, the fragment’s text page-numbers must be given
Sisk and Foster (2004:1145-46) claim that neuroscientists have made enormous progress recently.
c. when reference is made to a paper or study without giving the author’s name, the author’s surname and year of publication must be placed in an appropriate part of the sentence or at the end: both the name and year of publication in round brackets are required
The 4-5 year variation in age at onset of puberty is a physiological peculiarity of the human species (Tanner 1962).
d. when more than one author is quoted , the reference must be as follows Smith (2006) and Jones (2008) have both shown …
e. when reference is made to a paper or study by many authors without giving their names, their surnames must be placed in an appropriate part of the text in chronological order
Recent research (Collins 1998; Brown 2001; Davies 2008) shows that…
f. when reference is made to only two authors, their names must be given as in the examples below
Sisk and Foster (2008) in their recent research paper found …
Recent research (Collins 1998; Brown 2001; Davies 2008) shows that…
g. when there are more than three authors, the reference must be as follows
Green et al. (2005) found that the majority …
Recent research (Green et al. 2005) has found that the majority of …
h. when reference is made to papers by the same author published in different years, these must be quoted in chronological order: from earliest to most recent
as suggested by Patel (2002; 2004) who found that … research in the nineties (Patel 2002; 2004) found that …
i. when reference is made to papers by the same author in the same year, their chronological order must be marked with letters of the alphabet
Earlier research by Dunn (2003a) found that…but later research suggested again by Dunn (2003b) that …
j. when reference is made to studies published by societies or government agencies such as the World Health Organisation, abbreviations are acceptable.
World Health Organisation (WHO) has shown that … More recently the WHO (2008) has issued guidelines …
2. Quotes from publications must be in inverted commas as shown below
the author states that “……..” or the author writes that “… ”
Sisk and Foster (2004:1145-46) have claimed that “Neuroscientists have made enormous strides in calling
attention to the role of the brain in reproductive maturation”. or “Neuroscientists have made enormous strides in calling attention to the role of the brain in reproductive maturation”. (Sisk and Foster 2004:1145-46)
3. Quoting secondary sources is acceptable as follows
directly: Research recently carried out in the Greater Manchester area by Brown (1966 cited in Bassett 1986:142) found that …
indirectly: (Brown 1966 cited in Bassett 1986:142) Bellamy (1990) as cited in Sheppard (1994) suggests that …
5. A list of references containing exclusively the works cited in the article must be placed at the end of the text; on a separate page, with the authors’ names in alphabetical order. Where available, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) must be included with the reference.
6. Each reference item should be written on a new line and contain the following information in the following order: 1) Author names and initials (if there are more than six; “et al”. is placed after the sixth) , no spaces are to be left between the author’s initials; 2) date of publication 3) full title; 4) abbreviated name of the publishing house according to Index Medicus rules with no full stops; or the full name where the journal is not included in this database; 5) volume and issue in brackets, with the first and last page numbers. Here, the “hundred-numbers” are not repeated; as in 238-45.
7. When quoting manuals or monographs, the following must be supplied: the authors’ surnames and initials, the publication date, text title or quoted chapter, editors’ surnames and initials, book title, publication place, publisher’s name, page numbers in the quoted chapter, with figures denoting “hundreds” not repeated; as in 238-45.
8. The method of quoting references and the font type and punctuation must be precisely as in the following examples:
a. book
Tanner JM. 1962. Growth and Adolescence. 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Malina RM, Bouchard C. 1991. Growth, Maturation, and Physical Activity. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics Press. Barker R, Kirk J, Munday RJ. 1988. Narrative analysis. 3rd edition. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. edited by
Keene E editor. 1988. Natural language. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.
Silverman DF, Propp KK editors. 1990. The active interview. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Allouche J editor. 2006. Corporate social responsibility, Volume 1: concepts, accountability and reporting. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
b. papers by the same author published in the same year should be marked with letters of the alphabet
Soros G.1966a. The road to serfdom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Soros G.1966b. Beyond the road to serfdom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
c. translations
Constant P. 2008. Private property. Translated by Miller M and Grenaudire-Klijn F. 2012. New York: Prometheus Books.
d. e-book and PDF
Fishman R. 2005. The rise and fall of suburbia. [e-book] Chester: Castle Press. Available through: Anglia Ruskin University Library website http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk [Accessed 6 July 2011].
Carlsen J, Charters S editors. 2007. Global wine tourism. [e-book] Wallingford: CABI Pub. Available through: Anglia Ruskin University Library website www.libweb.anglia.ac.uk [Accessed 9 June 2011].
Department of Health, 2008. Health inequalities: progress and next steps. [pdf] London: Department of Health. Available at: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/ PolicyAndGuidance/DH_085307 [Accessed 9 July 2011].
e. from a chapter in a book
Tanner JM. 1989. Hormonal, genetic, and environmental factors controlling growth. In: GA Harrison, JM Tanner, DR Pilbeam and PT Baker, editors. Human Biology. An Introduction to human Evolution, Variation, Growth, and Adaptability. 3rd edition. Oxford, New York, Tokyo: Oxford University Press. 377-95.
Alsaker FD. 1995. Timing of puberty and reactions to pubertal changes. In: M Rutter, editor. Psychosocial Disturbances in Young People. Challenges of Prevention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 37-82.
f. article
Archer J. 2006. Testosterone and human aggression: an evaluation of the challenge hypothesis. Neurosci Biobehav R 30:319-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2004.12.007
Arlt W, Martens JW, Song M, Wang JT, Auchus RJ, Miller WL. 2002. Molecular evolution of adrenarche: structural and functional analysis of p450c17 from four primate species. Endocrinol 143:4665-72. https://doi.org/10.1210/en.2002-220456
Sørensen K, Aksglaede L, Petersen J, Juul A. 2010. Recent changes in pubertal timing in healthy Danish boys: associations with body mass index. J Clin Endocr Metab 95(1):263-70. https://doi.org/10.1210/jc.2009-1478
Tables must be numbered in Arabic numerals (not Roman numerals) and marked in the text: Table 1, Table 2, with their intended location clearly indicated (as in;Table 1, insert here). They must be in Times New Roman 12p, with intervals of 1 line and each in a separate file. The caption title above the table must refer to its content. No vertical lines (except for column heading separation lines and the table closure line) or horizontal lines, must be used. All abbreviations in the table must be defined below it.
Figures with Arabic numerals and marked in the text: Figure 1, Figure 2, with their intended location clearly indicated (as in;Figure 1, insert here), should be of the best possible quality, with each one saved in a separate file using dr, tif, jpg, bmp or eps formats. Photos should have 300 dpi.resolution, and poor quality figures and photos will not be accepted. In addition, figure legends must be on a separate page.
An alternative text should follow figure legend. An alternative text is textual information about what you see in a graphic element that is relevant to the text or topic that the element illustrates. Alternative texts are read by a screen reader and allow people with blindness or vision impairment to see what is, for example, in a given graphic, photo or chart. Graphic elements without an alternative description will be read by the assistive software for visually impaired people as the word ‘graphic’, so they will not get any other information that this ‘graphic’ is supposed to convey.
What should an alternative text look like?
Above all, the description should be concise and succinct – try to describe the graphic as accurately as possible, doing so in the shortest possible way (the optimum length of an alternative text should not exceed 250 characters).
• It should describe the meaning and content of the graphic element in question.
• It should contain key information for the viewer (e.g. a repetition of the content written on the graphic, or in the case of photos, a description of the most important elements building the message: “Rector presenting the habilitation diploma to Dr Anna Kowalska”).
• When creating alternative texts for charts and infographics, remember to include, in addition to the title, a summary and description of the trends resulting from the graphic. Often, due to the length and level of complexity of the data being described, it is worth including the chart description in the proper body of the text, below the graphic itself.
• You do not need to use alternative descriptions for graphics that are purely decorative (in which case mark them as decorative by selecting the “Mark as decorative” option).
Function of adding alternative description in Microsoft Word:
• To add alternative text for graphics/charts added into a Microsoft Word document, right-click on the object and select “Format image” -> “Accessibility” -> “Alternative text”; or “Review” -> “Check accessibility “-> “Alternative text”.
• For graphic elements that only have a decorative function in the document, also fill in the alternative text field – instead of the content in the “Alternative text” field, tick the “Mark as decorative” option.
Information on financial support sources, including the research project number, the finance source and tributes to persons who have made a considerable contribution to the paper’s development, but insufficient to be listed as authors, must be acknowledged before the reference section.
Author declarations
Information from the Author Declaration Form must appear before references. This includes a statement of contributions from individual authors, any conflicts of interest, and where applicable, an ethics statements listing ethics protocol number and the name of the approving ethics board or committee.