Author Declaration Form


The Authors grant the Lodz University Press the non-exclusive proprietary copyrights licence for their work.

Papers delivered for publication should include:

  • contributions from individual authors. These contain information on the authors of the concept, assumptions, and the methods and study protocol used in development of the publication. The submitting author assumes major responsibility for this. The Editors, pursuant to the applicable law, are obliged to document any cases of scientific malpractice (ghostwriting and guest authorship), including to report them to relevant authorities [see: "Dobre praktyki w procedurach recenzencyjnych w nauce" (Good Practice in Review Procedures in Science), Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Warsaw 2011; available at: tab: Anthropological Review]
  • the financial disclosure must include the source and manner of research financing, and the role of sponsors and financing institutions in article
  • any conflict of interest,
  • a statement that the paper has not been previously published or concurrently submitted to an editorial office of another journal, and also that it is approved by all authors and the institutions where it was