A few comments about the registration of candidates and the election campaign in the election of the President of the Czech Republic
elections of the President of the Czech Republic, election campaign, registration of candidates, direct elections, campaign financeAbstract
The introduction of general presidential elections in the Czech Republic strengthened the position of the head of state, though this did not entail a change in its constitutional powers. It also created the possibility of winning candidates who do not have the support of parliamentary political parties. However, the candidature application can be made by members of parliament or voters. Candidates must gather 50,000 signatures from citizens, or the support of twenty Deputies or ten Senators. The Ministry of Interior verifies the application and registries candidates. The electoral campaign in the presidential election may be conducted by both candidates and registered third persons. The election law has regulated its course liberally, among other things, without providing election silence. The main restriction is the campaign spending limit. No candidate may spend more than 40,000,000 CZK, except candidates who advance to the second round (they may spend 50,000,000 CZK).
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