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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to all of the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Editorial instructions, which is found in "For Authors".
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • We make a decision on acceptance or rejection of the article within a period of one month.
  • The Author declares that the Work is an original creation and that they have the appropriate copyrights to the Work, including moral as well as economic rights. If the applicant is not the sole author, he/she undertakes to indicate the percentage share of all co-authors in the preparation of the text. This information should be entered in the field "Rights – percentage share of authors".
  • The Author hereby declares that they did not use generative artificial intelligence tools during the preparation of the manuscript.  If otherwise, the author undertakes to indicate the name of the tool, the purpose and the exact reason for use and confirms that he/she has carried out a thorough, critical verification of the text, especially in terms of the possibility of generating false, incomplete or biased information, the occurrence of plagiarism or lack of/incorrect attribution of authorship, and edited it accordingly. The information should be entered in the "Comments for the Editor" field.
  • The author assures of no violations of publication ethics and takes full responsibility for the content of the publication. The Author acknowledges and accepts that, in the event of the Author making a false statement, they shall be liable for any damages incurred by the University of Lodz.
  • The author undertakes to inform about any possible conflicts of interest in the "Comments for the Editor" field.

Author Guidelines

The Editorial Team of Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica invites everyone to submit proposals for articles and other texts for publication. English-language articles are preferred. Texts should be submitted via the Open Journal Systems platform: This involves the necessity to create an account and register at:

The following types of texts can be published in Folia Iuridica:

Scientific articles – should contain original and up-to-date research results. The length of the article should not be shorter than 20,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes) and should not exceed 45,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes).

Reviews – should refer to current book publications falling within the scope of the Journal’s subject matter. A review should not exceed 15,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes).

Reports – should contain a description and, possibly, an evaluation of scientific events that are important from the perspective of the purpose and scope of the Journal (e.g., scientific conferences or congresses, seminars and symposia, etc.) The length of a report should not exceed 10,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes).

In justified cases, the Editorial Board may depart from the requirements regarding the length of particular types of texts.

Editorial requirements and instructions for Authors:

  • First names and surnames should be typed in ordinary print. This principle also applies to initials.
  • All expressions in foreign languages should be typed in italic characters as well as those ones in Latin which are numerous in legal texts. Titles of any publications (books, articles etc.) should also be in an italic typeface.
  • Mind your quotation marks. In Polish, we use apostrophe quotation marks: „ ...". We use: »...« only as the quotation marks of the second degree -i.e. quotation marks in quotation marks.
  • It should be remembered that the author of the text uses parentheses i.e. round brackets: (…) while square brackets are reserved for the text commentator.
  • It is unacceptable to close brackets just one after another: )) or to open a new bracket immediately after closing one: )(.
  • A full stop is always used after a bracket -it finishes a sentence.
  • Please remember about correct affiliation. If Author is a person from outside a scientific centre, the affiliation should include information about a profession or an institution to which the Author is related.
  • Every text must be summarised in Polish (5-7 statements) and its English equivalent must be prepared in a form of an abstract and five keywords must be given.
  • Submitted texts should be not shorter than 0.5 of a writing sheet (20 thousand characters with spaces i.e. about 10 pages of typescript (font of Times Roman 12 and the leading of 1.5).
  • Every article must have footnotes and reference list formatted in line with the Chicago style.
  • A footnote is only to introduce the so-called interjecting (nota bene)

Instructions for moderating a reference list and footnotes are placed on the website of The Chicago Manual of Style: Website 

Published volumes of Folia from no 77 can be an example.

Principles of citing sources of law, literature and court case decisions

When a source of law is set out for the first time it is necessary to give:

art. 10 ustawy z 2.7.2004 r. o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej (tekst jedn. Dz.U. z 2007 r. Nr 155, poz. 1095 ze zm.),

art. 15 ustawy z 19.3.2004 r. – Prawo celne (Dz.U. Nr 68, poz. 622 ze zm.)

When the act is cited next time, it is necessary to give:

art. 10 SwobGospU

art. 15 PrCel

When the act is cited without a number of an article the whole title must be given and not abridged one. A sentence should not begin from a short name of an act.

Invoking court case decisions in the main text. File numbers of court decisions are not written down in footnotes. They are always placed in the main text. Invoking a given judicial decision, its character must be mentioned (a resolution, a judgement, an order).

An example:

uchw. SN z 22.7.1994 r. (III CZP 87/94, OSNC 1995, Nr 1, poz. 5)

uchw. SN z 15.2.1978 r. (III CZP 1/78, niepubl.)

We always give abbreviations:
uchw. SN (7)

If a case decision is cited in full in brackets, a comma should be placed between a date, reference number and publication.

An example:

(uchw. SN z 22.7.1994 r., III CZP 87/94, OSNC 1995, Nr 1, poz. 5).


The text should be sent in a file as word to the address of the Editor. The texts are subject to preliminary evaluation by the Editor and then sent to two Reviewers coming from scientific centres outside UŁ. “Double blind review” is applied. Having received a positive review Authors are obliged to sign an agreement. Then the texts are submitted to the Publisher to start an editorial process. Every Author receives an author’s copy.



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