International and/or national philosophical terms in the domain of philosophy




comprehension, international terms, native language terms, philosophical terms, synonymy, terminology


Philosophy as a universal system of knowledge and the main corpus of the philosophical terminology consists of international terms. There are cases, however, when philosophers choose to, create a native word instead of employing a wellknown international term. The term Meddelelse, for instance, was introduced by the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. According to him, different aspects of communication are included in this concept to be denominated by the Danish word Meddelelse. Another example in this respect is the national term introduced by the Latvian philosopher Rihards Kūlis for the international term nacionālā identitāte. Contemporary philosophers tend to claim that philosophy does not belong only to the elitist part of the society. If such is the case, the philosophers try to facilitate the comprehension process for the native readers in order to ensure a deeper understanding of definite notions. Hence they endevour to accommodate their writing in the way their readers could fully grasp the meaning of the intended message.


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How to Cite

Ikere, Z. (2021). International and/or national philosophical terms in the domain of philosophy. Translatorica & Translata, 2, 55–65.




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